Thursday, October 14, 2010


Reading this firsthand, contemporaneous account of Nelson Mandela’s life is an extraordinary opportunity. Mandela, a South African freedom fighter and a political prisoner for 27 years, tells his own saga of how he helped his black countrymen throw off their apartheid chains, how the African National Congress waged and won its struggle, and how he became his nation’s first black president. Learn all this and more, directly from the living legend who brought it to pass. getAbstract recommends this compelling autobiography, an inside view of South Africa’s struggle and the revered Mandela’s unique political life. It has postive attitude because
    white peopleLong Walk to Freedom finds it hard to fathom the outburst of reverence for the colossus Mandela. In the eighties few people were aware of this existence and if foreign visitors had not embarked on the pilgrimage to Robben island now and again, the world would have forgotten him .


This old man is fearing about death; however he was n"t believe on supersion like if the star fell down it means  death.however thi was affect his life because if he see a star falling down he end up asking him self  what is  falling star has to do with death. This question left him with no answer instead  it only bring back bad memory such as the death of his be loved wife. Apart from that it  cause him to asses his own  death as he is now reach at the age of old  age group  this is normal since  death is not good ting and we all afraid about it because after death  there is no chance for body and soul any more  and you a totally separated from your  beloved farmily and relavite  obvious every human bieng is fearing death  because there is no other altenative ways to prevent death and you always have to keep reminding your self that sinces  i"m growing older and older  my  days o   a neary to come to an end soon or later.

my experience

this was very difficult moment  i have ever exeprience in my life it take  almost four to five  day to succesed.
I even wondering about my own life  because  this is going to affect my  whole smert work at the first place other student could  n''t able to comment on my work since my account is always said erro on the documen.however i try all my level an manage to creat my own blog .